Tower at Oxley Hill, Bowral. The centrepiece of the HHERN network.
HHERN is based off the Oxley Hill tower in Bowral, and is operated by Ace Internet Services, who uses AARNet as the upstream bandwidth provider.
Our arrangement with AARNet allows us to upgrade our backhaul to handle the schools’ growing needs.
In 2013, the rollout of tablet devices at a number of our schools triggered backhaul and internal network upgrades. And in 2014, more upgrades are being performed to add capacity to accommodate future clients.
After the upcoming AARNet4 upgrade, a multi-gigabit future is in sight, where we will have access to 10 Gbit/s of capacity.

HHERN installation at Oxley College.
Connectivity to the AARNet backbone is provided by a fibre link terminated at the Australian BioResources facility in Moss Vale. From here, the link is transported to our Oxley Hill tower in Bowral NSW.
Connectivity from Oxley Hill to the schools is via licensed radio links, and we only use high quality carrier-grade equipment. We specialise in bringing city-level speeds to schools who would otherwise have sub-standard service even by residential-grade standards.

Backhaul to Oxley Hill at Australian BioResources, Moss Vale.
The core network is IPv6–capable, running natively in a dual-stack environment. HHERN customers can have IPv6 enabled at no extra cost.
The network currently runs on the AARNet3 backbone, with a planned migration to AARNet4 in the future.
We are excited about HHERN’s future, and look forward to further network expansion in the future, with potential new clients being discussed at this time.